When can I get my T-shirt?
If you have purchased a By My Spirit Online package and First Fruit package, a T-shirt will be sent to you. Unfortunately, because of the war, deliveries have been delayed. You may also leave a message in the chat, and we will route your request to the ICEJ Store Manager.Few readersEnvision Conference Online Guide
Few readersHow can I work in Jerusalem?
We're thrilled that you're interested in serving with our ministry! You can either become a team member during the Feast of Tabernacles or apply for a job with us in Jerusalem. 😊🌟🙌 You may click this link to apply as a Team Member at the Feast of Tabernacles: https://www.icej.org/serve You may click this link to view the job opportunities at the ICEJ: https://www.icej.org/our-why/our-headquarters/our-team/open-positions/Few readersWhy do we celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles?
Great question! There's an excellent article that delves into why Christians celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. Click below ⬇ https://www.icej.org/blog/why-we-celebrate-the-feast-of-tabernacles-3Few readersWhat is the ICEJ?
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was founded in 1980 as an evangelical response for the need to comfort Zion according to the command of the scripture found in Isaiah 40:1-2. Visit our website: https://icej.orgFew readersHow do I make a Feast Offering?
You may give your Feast Offering at: help.icej.orgFew readers